Product Requirement Document


The feature is trying to embed translation in our gmail which makes communication much more smoother between our users. This is very much in line with our bigger mission statement of democratising the access of info to the world as the feature enables users to understand interactions at one stop.

To further understand our objectives let’s peek into the current solution space and understand how our power users are solving this problem -

Let’s now deep dive in what we will achieve with the following feature -

User Needs and personas

Below are some of the user problems cited by the users of gmail :

Persona 1 :

Location : Germany, Profession : Businessman

We use German as our local language for doing business, but the problem is foreign vendors send the quotation in English

Persona 2 :

Location : India, Profession : Student

I am a student, I have subscribed to International Journals, some of the journals that I am interested in are published in foreign languages.

Persona 3 :

Location : USA, Profession : Manager of mid-size company

I am going on a vacation to South Korea, the local tour advisor sent me the details, but that was in their local language, so I couldn’t understand much.

Persona 4 :

Location : Australia, Profession : Freelancer

I am a freelancer, I have clients all across the globe, they usually have their requirements in their native language, so I need to translate that & verify.

Some of the other problems obtained from our users are below :

Our Headquarters is in Japan, so all the communications are held in Japanese, so here in India, it’s difficult to understand, reply, & implement.

The Chinese vendors send the quotation in either Chinese or English, but I am from Portugal, so it is difficult to convert it to my native language.

As an Exchange student, the bank that I have associated with sends out the statements & emails in native language